Fields and woodland in Ireland
Building Better Futures
for our Children and Young People

Attuned Programmes Ireland

Attuned Programmes Ireland was founded in 2019. Since then, we have partnered with the HSE and TUSLA to provide various mainstream and bespoke residential and community services for children and adults. We provide tailored and attuned programmes for children, young people, and adults to support and guide them towards a positive future.

We are a social care-led organisation and currently provide the following services:

HIQA registered adult ID residential services
Community-based Adult mental health rehabilitation residential services
Individualised home support services
Family support services, which include supervised access, school transportation, positive parenting skills development

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Residential icon


Attuned Programmes have a number of registered children’s residential homes in Ireland where we provide bespoke services for children and young people.

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We provide bespoke aftercare services with accommodation for young adults who are leaving care. Our aftercare programmes are 1-3 years in duration depending upon the need of the young person.

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We offer exciting opportunities for individualised residential, respite, and day service settings for young people and adults with disabilities. We commit to delivering a truly Person-Centered and high-quality service which supports the person to live the life they want to lead.

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Latest News & Articles

A lovely staff testimonial about Attuned Programmes Ireland

A lovely staff testimonial about Attuned Programmes Ireland

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Staff Testimony

Staff Testimony

Supporting our staff teams to care for and positively support the children, young people and adults in Attuned Programmes...
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